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Local Area Network for the Atari ST
Programmer's Guide
John S. DeMar
Quantum Microsystems, Inc.
PO Box 179
Liverpool, NY 13088
This document is a guide for Atari ST application programmers who wish
to include multi-user functions in their software. All Atari ST
programmers should understand ST-Net's environment to insure that ST-
Net's usage of the system does not interfere with their own.
ST-Net offers two levels of networking functions to the user. At the
highest level, the user may talk via keyboard to another user ("Phone")
or exchange mail messages ("Mailbox"). Since these features are part of a
GEM desk accessory, they are accessed through any GEM application. The
second level is a transparent usage of peripherals physically connected
to another computer on the network. For instance, one hard disk drive and
printer may be accessed by several computers. The ST-Net installation
program lets the system operator assign priorities to devices and
computers to customize the networks efficiency.
For the application programmer, ST-Net offers high-level multi-user
functions and low-level access to remote ST computers. All calls are made
through the 68000 TRAP #9 instruction in assembly language. Also, a
library of these routines will be available for Megamax C at no charge.
1.0 Electrical
- 5V (6ma) current loop.
- Optically isolated.
- 31.25 K Baud serial digital data rate.
- 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.
- Two-wire data in, two-wire data out, twisted pairs.
- Feedthrough at computer for power loss protection.
2.0 Physical
- Ring network, data-out to data-in of adjacent computers.
- Dual 5-pin DIN connectors at computers.
- Dual 4-pin RJ-11 modular interconnect.
- Adapter box for DIN to RJ-11 and protect at each computer.
3.0 Protocol
3.1 Command Frame
- Byte-oriented command frame as follows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 ...n bytes... 6+n 7+n
- Minimum command frame size is 8 bytes (no arguments).
- Maximum command frame size is 1032 bytes (1024 argument bytes).
- DSTN# ranges from 1 to 255 for upto 255 computers on the ring.
Destination node for command or zero if global (special case).
- RTRY# counts down to 0 for upto 255 attempts at command.
Zero signals that the command was aborted.
- SRCN# is the source node number for the command frame.
Zero is a special case for new node initialization.
- COMND requests one of the following operations:
0 --> Initialization request. (See Net Table description.)
1 --> Remote GEMDOS call. (Trap #1)
2 --> Remote AES/VDI call. (Trap #2)
3 --> Remote BIOS call. (TRAP #13)
4 --> Remote XBIOS call. (TRAP #14)
5 --> Remote Line-A call. (A00X ops)
6-15 --> Global Alerts.
16 --> Mail request.
17 --> Open Mailbox.
18 --> Close Mailbox.
19 --> Read Mail.
20 --> Write Mail.
21 --> Delete Mail.
22 --> List Bulletin Files.
23 --> Post Bulletin.
24 --> Read Bulletin.
25 --> Kill Bulletin.
26 --> Ring Phone.
27 --> Phone string out.
28 --> Phone string in.
29 --> Hang-up Phone.
30 --> BBS announce on.
31 --> BBS announce off.
32 --> BBS conference string out.
33 --> BBS conference string in.
34 --> Status Poll (See Net Table description.)
35-63 --> (Future Expansion.)
64 --> File Status
65 --> Lock File (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
66 --> Unlock File (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
67-127 --> (Future Expansion.)
3.1 Command Frame (con't)
- ACNTH and ACNTL is the count in bytes of the argument string.
A command may have upto 1024 bytes of input parameters.
- CHCKH and CHCKL is the 16-bit CRC for the command frame.
If an error occurs, command frame is retransmitted with
RTRY# = RTRY# -1 until RTRY# is zero (failed operation).
3.2 Data/Return Frame
- Data/Return frames are strictly replies to Command frames
and are only sent when a return action is required.
- COMND is the same as for command frames except it has 128 added
to its value (highest bit on). This protects against
data frames being interpreted as command frames.
- Data frames requiring more than 1024 bytes will have the true
remaining byte count in ACNTH/ACNTH. The actual byte count
will be 1024 until the last partial frame is sent. This allows
for some level of time sharing on the ring.
4.0 Network Variables
4.1 Net Table
The Net Table holds a description of the network environment for
each computer on the network, including your own. The table is built
at boot time through the Initialization Request call and added to when
ever an Initialization Request is received. The table begins with the
entry for your computer and ends with the last computer to be added
by the Initialization Request call. The Net Table description for your
computer is kept in the STNET.SET file and is built by the NETBUILD.PRG
program. Each entry in the Net Table has the following structure:
struct NETNODE {
char node; The node assigned during init, 0 = end.
char priority; Priority level set in NETBUILD, 0 = high.
char printer; Printer type on this node, 0 = none.
long drives; The 'drvbits' accessible by other nodes.
char name[16]; Upto 16 char node-name set in NETBUILD.
int flags; 16 flags, first five used as follows:
0 == Phone enabled.
1 == Global Mailbox at this node.
2 == Alerts are locked out.
3 == AES/VDI locked out.
4 == BIOS/XBIOS/LINE-A locked out.
char flavor; Type of computer. 0 = ST/MIDI, 1=XE/LINK,
} 3+ = RS-232 nodes, 128+ = DMA channel nodes.
(Only ST/MIDI is implemented for now.)
When a computer is turned off, that node remains in the Net Table
until that node is accessed. When a command is not acknowledged after
its maximum number of retries, the node is removed from the Net table.
If a computer is powered down and rebooted, a duplicate copy of its
description could be assigned in the Net Table until the old node is
accessed and removed.
4.2 Set-up File
The STNET.SET file contains specific data describing the owners
node configuration. This file is created or recreated by running the
installation program called NETBUILD.PRG. The Set-up File contains the
following information:
NETNODE table_entry; The structure described under Net Table.
This info is declared to all other nodes.
int retries[128]; List of the maximum retries for each command
frame (one byte per command).
int showbull; Flag to show bulletins at powerup.
int showmail; Flag to show mail at power-up.
int mailpath[]; Pathname for your mailbox. Null indicates
that mail will be found on the global
mail node path under your node name.
This file is loaded at power-up and must be on the boot device's
main directory as the filename STNET.SET. This file should not be
modified without NETBUILD.PRG.
5.0 Programming Libraries
5.1 Transparent Functions
ST-Net handles all accesses to floppy disks, hard disks and
printers without special programming on the part of the application
programmer. This 'transparent' operation allows existing programs to
make use of the peripheral-sharing aspect of the network.
The GEM Desk Accessory, STNET.ACC, installs the Phone/Mail
features for use in any GEM application. Also, this accessory adds
a Printer Spooler (background printing) and a Ramdisk (memory disk
emulation). Information about other computers on the network is
available by selecting this accessory.
5.2 Application Functions
The application programmer may use any of the ST-Net primitive
commands to make multi-user, multi-computer programs. For instance,
many users could enter data into a database system designed to make
use of ST-Net. Or, several callers could have a conference on a
multi-line Bulletin Board System running on several Atari ST computers.
All of the commands shown in the Command frame description are
called via TRAP #9. Here's a brief description of each function
showing the library function name and arguments for 'C':
rgemdos(node,function,argptr) REMOTE GEMDOS CALL
rvdi(node,function,argptr) REMOTE VDI CALL
raes(node,function,argptr) REMOTE AES CALL
rbios(node,function,argptr) REMOTE BIOS CALL
rxbios(node,function,argptr) REMOTE XBIOS CALL
For each routine:
int node; Remote node number.
int function; Function/opcode number.
long argptr; Pointer to argument list.
5.2 Application Functions (con't)
Builds the Net Table. Returns -1 if init
was successful or 0 if it failed.
int net_alert(node,alert) NETWORK GLOBAL ALERTS
int node; 0 = Error! Network is disconnected!
int alert; 1 = Error! That computer is disconnected!
2 = The Network is busy!
3 = That computer is busy!
4 = Your printer is off line!
5 = Your disk drive is not responding!
6-9 = (Reserved)
int net_mailreq(node) MAIL REQUEST
int node; Returns -1 if Mailbox is active.
Returns 0 if no mailbox for that node.
int net_openmail(node) OPEN MAILBOX
int node; Activates the mailbox file for the
following operations.
int net_closemail(node) CLOSE MAILBOX
int node; Close the mailbox file if opened.
int net_readmail(node,psearch,pmsg) READ MAIL
int node; Read a mail message using the
char *psearch; search criteria in string psearch.
char *pmsg; Save into memory at pmsg.
int net_writemail(node,pmsg) WRITE MAIL
int node; Write a mail message pointed to by
char *pmsg; pmsg. First line of message is subject.
int net_delmail(node,psearch,pmsg) DELETE MAIL
int node; Delete a mail message matching
char *psearch; the subject in psearch. Oldest is
deleted if more that one matches.
int net_listbull(node,pbuff) LIST BULLETINS
int node; List the filenames of bulletins
int *pbuff; and save in 'pbuff'.
int net_postbull(node,pfile) POST BULLETIN
int node; Post a general bulletin saved in the
char *pfile; filename 'pfile'.
int net_readbull(node,pname,pbuff) READ BULLETIN
int node; Read the bulletin 'pname' and save
char *pname; into 'pbuff'. Returns the count of
char *pbuff; the bytes, 0 means end of bulletin.
5.2 Application Functions (con't)
int net_killbull(node,pname) KILL BULLETIN
int node; Kills (Deletes) the bulletin in file
char *pname; 'pname'. Requires priority of zero.
int net_phonecall(node) RING PHONE
int node; Alerts a user with a phone call dialog.
Returns -1 if accepted, 0 if cancelled.
int net_phoneout(node,pmsg) PHONE MESSAGE OUT
int node; Send 'pmsg' intended as a line of
char *pmsg; conversation. Node 0 sends to all nodes.
Maximum length of 1024 bytes for 'pmsg'.
int net_phonein(node,pmsg) PHONE MESSAGE IN
int node; Receive phone message and/or status.
char *pmsg; Returns -1 for hangup or the length of
the message string saved in 'pmsg'.
int net_phoneoff(node) HANG-UP PHONE
int node; "Hang-up" your phone and notify the
caller at 'node'. 0 means all nodes.
int net_bbson(pname) BBS ANNOUNCE LOG ON
char *pname; For Bulletin Board software, tell
all nodes that a user has logged on
and is called 'pname'.
int net_bbsoff(); BBS ANNOUNCE LOG OFF
For Bulletin Board software, tell
all nodes that your user logged off.
int net_bbsout(node,pmsg) BBS CONFERENCE MESSAGE OUT
int node; Send conference message in bulletin
char *pmsg; board software. Node 0 sends to all.
int net_bbsin(node,pmsg) BBS CONFERENCE MESSAGE IN
int node; Check for a conference message in
char *pmsg; bulletin board software. Message is
saved in 'pmsg' and returns the length
of message.
int net_status(node,pnet) CHECK NETWORK STATUS
int node; Copies the net table entry for 'node'
NETNODE *pnet; into 'pnet'. Also returns a -1 if the
node is busy or 0 if it is not.